Flippy Destined for Success: Plate Magazine Highlights Our Impact

Flippy Destined for Success: Plate Magazine Highlights Our Impact

Plate Magazine has featured our Head of Revenue and Business Development, Jordan Hoffner, in their recent article on kitchen automation, “So You Think Robots Are Coming for Your Job? They Probably Aren’t.”

Jordan discusses how Flippy, our AI-powered kitchen assistant, is transforming the food industry by taking on dangerous tasks and making kitchens safer for human workers. As Hoffner mentions, “Given that burns are a leading cause of workplace injury for restaurant workers, automating the task of working over a bucket of 400°F oil seems like a reasonable goal.”

He also highlights the broader impact on the restaurant environment, saying, “We want this to be a safe environment so the people who are working there can focus on what we call higher quality tasks… There’s more customer interaction, which creates more opportunities for areas of upsell or more efficiency and a better customer experience to encourage repeat visits.”

This article perfectly captures our mission at Miso to enhance the safety and efficiency of kitchens while supporting staff to focus on more meaningful tasks.

Interested in reading more? Check out the full article on Plate Magazine (note: a free account is required to access it) and explore how Flippy is leading the charge in restaurant automation!