Miso’s John DiLoreto Talks Automation on the Outsource Advantage Podcast

Miso’s John DiLoreto Talks Automation on the Outsource Advantage Podcast

Miso’s John DiLoreto recently chatted with Derek Kissos on The Outsource Advantage podcast about how Miso is shaking up the food industry with our innovative tech.

Flippy: Making a Big Impact

John dove into how we’re tackling one of the biggest headaches in the food industry: staffing. Our star robot, Flippy, works side by side with human employees, making the kitchen a safer and more efficient place. As John put it during the podcast, “We’ve taken the worst job in a QSR and made it into one of the better ones.”

Highlights from the Podcast

Boosting Safety: Flippy takes on the risky, repetitive tasks in the kitchen, cutting down on injuries and letting staff focus on more rewarding work.

Happier Employees: By automating the toughest jobs, Flippy helps create a better work environment, which means happier and more motivated staff.

Smart Solutions: John also talked about what potential customers should think about when looking at robotic solutions, like space needs and profitability.

Listen to the Full Episode

Curious to learn more? Check out the full episode to hear all about how Miso is driving innovation in the food industry. Find out how automation can make operations smoother, safer, and more enjoyable for everyone.

Listen to the podcast here.