Miso Featured in Hospitality Technology: Flippy to Begin Working Full-Day Shifts at CaliBurger
Miso Featured in Hospitality Technology: Flippy to Begin Working Full-Day Shifts at CaliBurger
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Hospitality Technology’s Anna Wolfe takes a look Caliburger’s Flippy:
“Cali Group, a holding company with ownership stakes in a portfolio of synergistic food and food technology companies, announced today that its restaurant operating subsidiary, CaliBurger, will begin running “Flippy” at its Pasadena location for full day shifts.
CaliBurger’s burger-flipping robot Flippy mesmerizes young onlookers.
Flippy is the world’s first autonomous robotic kitchen assistant developed by Miso Robotics that works alongside kitchen staff to assist in consistently preparing freshly cooked burgers….
Flippy and the Future of AI-Powered Restaurant Automation https://youtu.be/RXsnSQzs4Zk Miso was featured on Bloomberg: The Close, where our CEO joined a discussion on how automation
Smaller, faster, and easier to install—our latest upgrade is built for even more restaurant kitchens. Flippy just got its biggest upgrade yet, and Restaurant Business
The new generation of the industry’s first-mover in fry station automation leverages Miso’s five years of proprietary data and learnings, along with design collaboration from